pigs out on pasture

About Our Pastured Pork

Our pigs have been such a joy to have around. They have so much personality and have been one of the best animals to raise and interact with on the farm. Our pigs are completely removed from the unsanitary living conditions typically found inside industrial pig factories. Conversely, raising pigs on pasture allows the animal to express its natural “pigness” by rooting in the dirt, laying in muddy wallows, piling up for naps under our shade trees, and foraging for a variety of foods found in and under our pastures. This natural diet, along with a free-choice Non-GMO grain feed ration, and stress-free living conditions all combine to produce pastured pork so flavorful and full of nutrients we know you will just love it.

Our pastured pork system beings by obtaining 8-12 week old weaned feeder piglets from other local farmers. The pigs are never broad-spectrum treated with vaccinations, antibiotics, chemical wormers, or growth stimulants while on our farm.  With our firm commitment to animal welfare, husbandry and pasture management we evaluate sickness and injuries on a case-by-case basis. In the off chance a pig needs treatment that animal is removed from our clean meats program. We believe following these practices produces pork that is pure, clean, delicious, and nutrient dense.

Pasture Management

Like the cows, our pig pastures are managed in a similar way using rotational grazing methods.  In our effort to mimic nature the pigs are grouped together in smaller paddocks as they graze, wallow, and root. They are routinely moved into new paddocks with fresh feed options throughout the growing season.  There are so many benefits to managing in this manner—increased recovery time for vegetation, increased nutrient quality and diversity of the forages in the pasture, increased organic matter and water retention capabilities of the soil, and increased drought resistance of the pasture to name a few.

How and Where to Buy

Are you ready to buy? You can purchase our pastured pork on the farm by the cut or we also offer our customers the opportunity to purchase by the half or whole sides by pre-order. We also make scheduled monthly deliveries in the city so please contact us for delivery dates and locations.

Bulk Pork Details

Half Hog
  • A side (half) of a pig yields approximately 70-75 pounds of packaged meat for your freezer.
  • A $300 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve you share.
  • We provide transport of your animal to the butcher. You are responsible for collecting your meat from the butcher once it is ready for pickup.
  • The customer is responsible for payment of the pig to our farm and payment to the butcher. Your final invoice from our farm will be sent after hanging weights are collected.
  • We understand buying meat in this way can be intimidating so we are happy to educate and assist you throughout the entire butchering process. From discussing cut selection to calling in your cut sheet we are here to help!
  • Every animal is unique and orders can differ significantly depending on customer selections. We make every effort to provide close estimates however prices may be higher or lower depending on the size of the animal and butchering instructions.
  • These estimates are based on 250 lb live weight pig.  Depending on growth rate and other environmental factors the pigs can weigh as much as 300 lbs or more which would affect your final price and yield estimates.
Whole Hog
  • A whole hog yields approximately 140-150 lbs of packaged meat for your freezer.
  • A $450 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve you share.
  • We provide transport of your animal to the butcher. You are responsible for collecting your meat from the butcher once it is ready for pickup.
  • The customer is responsible for payment of the pig to our farm and payment to the butcher at the time of pickup. Your final invoice from our farm will be sent after obtaining the hanging weight.
  • We understand buying meat in this way can be intimidating so we are happy to educate and assist you throughout the entire butchering process. From discussing cut selection to calling in your cut sheet we are here to help!
  • Every animal is unique and orders can differ significantly depending on customer selections. We make every effort to provide close estimates however prices may be higher or lower depending on the size of the animal and butchering instructions.
  • These estimates are based on 250 lb live weight pig.  Depending on growth rate and other environmental factors the pigs can weigh as much as 300 lbs or more which would affect your final price and yield estimates.

Because every animal is unique and they will never produce the same yields each time you can expect some variations on what comes back from the butcher. However, our typical side (half) of a pig will yield the following cuts:

  • 10-12 lbs of bacon
  • 12-18 lbs of ham
  • 10-12 lbs of loin (includes roasts, center cut chops, tenderloins)
  • 10-12 lbs of sausage (more if you elect to grind the ham portion)
  • 10-15 lbs of shoulder roasts (other options can be cottage bacon and shoulder steaks)
  • 4-6 lbs of ribs (baby backs and spare ribs)
  • 2-4 lbs of ham hocks (perfect to add flavor to soups and side dishes)
  • 10-15 lbs of lard (includes both leaf fat and back fat)

Simply double these estimates for your whole hog yield estimates

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